Outreach & Missions

The vision for Lighthouse Family Worship Center must begin with a passion for the lost. Oh that God would roll back the curtains of Hell, and let His people see the anguish and torment of that place. LFWC must pray, seek, and contend for the souls of people. We must be willing to make efforts worthy of the Master’s calling. Outreach of the LFWC must go beyond saving the lost. The Lord Jesus commanded us, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the afflicted, and go to the jails. LFWC must go, and send people to the four corners of the earth, and make disciples of all nations.

At the Lighthouse, we love to serve and help others and it is evident in the lives of the people and the many ministries that are thriving here. Pastor Barry says no one is sent to the Lighthouse to sit on a pew and so we are a church of amazing people that love to be about the Father’s business.

If you would like to be a part of any of these outreaches, please contact the leader, they would love for you to be involved.

LFWC Food Bank Ministry

The Lighthouse Family Worship Center has been partnering with the Tulsa Food Bank for over 20 years.  The Lighthouse Food Bank is considered an emergency food bank that is available for residents of Osage County.  Through the Tulsa Food Bank, we have been able to assist several families not only in the Barnsdall area, but the surrounding communities of Avant, Wynona and Pershing.

The Lighthouse Food Bank has a volunteer staff for regular assistance.  The staff is available Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm for appointments.  The Lighthouse Food Bank also provides Family Holiday Food Baskets.  It is the heart of the Lighthouse to help any individual or family in need.

Mobile Food Pantry

Every 3rd Wednesday of each month from 11:00 AM to Noon. For more information or to volunteer, contact Pastor Kathy Gott at kathy@lfwc.us or Gerald Roehrig at groehrig@stinternet.net this ministry is available to anyone in need.

Barnsdall Nursing Home Outreach

On the 1st & 3rd Sunday of every month at 1:30, the Nursing Home Ministry gets to share the joy of the Lord with a people whose journey is almost complete.  We desire to bring a message of hope, love, healing and salvation to those who are often unable to attend outside services.

This ministry has had the opportunity to not only present services during the month, but to develop a relationship with these precious men and women.   To see a twinkle in their eye, a smile, or a tear of joy is an awesome thing.  We always leave with the greater blessing.

Ministry Leader:  Susan Beeler

Obsession For Christ Street Ministry

Obsession For Christ has taken the LFWC vision to heart to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and visit the afflicted. This ministry is always seeking opportunities to reach out and show the love of Christ through a variety of additional services.

If you are interested in this ministry, please contact us at outreach@lfwc.us

Ministry Leaders:  Eric & Sacha Sofian

Local Church Bus

The Lighthouse Church bus is available to pick up all ages for any Lighthouse sponsored events and services.

Please contact us at 918.847.2385

World Missions

Lighthouse Family Worship supports these world missions:

  • Christ Cares World Ministries — Sumner Families
  • Carroll Parnell
  • Catalina Flying Eagle — Jerry Amalong
  • In His Ministries — Glen & Jessica Meldrum
  • Vanguard Ministry — Nathan & Lydia Marrow
  • Outreach For America — David Hinton
  • Hopegivers International India — Dr. Samuel Thomas
  • YWAM Romania
  • Fabian Grech and family through Freedom to Captives                                                                                                                                                         www.freedomtocaptives.com