Our Vision

Proverbs 29:18 …where there is no vision the people perish.

I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what He will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. And the Lord answered me, and said, write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it shall surely come, it will not tarry. -Habakkuk 2:1-31

A Passion For The Lost

The vision for Lighthouse Family Worship Center must begin with a passion for the lost. Oh that God would roll back the curtains of Hell, and let His people see the anguish and torment of that place. LFWC must pray, seek, and contend for the souls of people. We must be willing to make efforts worthy of the Masters calling. Outreach of LFWC must go beyond saving the lost. The Lord Jesus commanded us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the afflicted, and go to the jails. LFWC must go, and send people to the four corners of the earth, and make disciples of all nations.

A Church For All People

LFWC is to be a church for all peoples, and all nations, regardless of color, culture, or creed. This is to be a house where people from any group can find, THE ONE TRUE GOD AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. This house is to be free from bigotry and prejudice. A place where all people are loved and esteemed as children of God, created equal, and in His image.

LFWC is to be a place where there are no “big I’s or little you’s.” This will be a house where we all learn to be servants. After all, is that not the desire of God? Should we not serve Him, so as to serve our fellow man? This will not be a house of lofty titles, or exalted men, but this will be the House of the MOST HIGH GOD!!!

A House of Prayer

LFWC will be known as a House of Prayer. Jesus said, “If His House was not a House of Prayer, that it was a den of thieves.” A church that won’t pray is robbing the souls of people. A church that won’t pray is allowing the enemy to steal our children, our marriages, our families. LFWC is to be a House of Prayer.

A Training Ground

LFWC is the training ground for tomorrow’s leaders. A consistent flow of leadership will come forth from this house. We will not be satisfied with successful programs only to sit upon our laurels, but we will press ever onward into the things of God. Ever growing, ever increasing in Jesus Christ our Lord.

A Church of Unity

The final Word of this part of the vision of LFWC is that of unity. LFWC will be a unified body. There will be no divisions of schisms in this body. Our unity should not be mistaken for uniformity. Lighthouse values its unity amidst its diversity.